Too Busy to See a Doctor? Maybe Not

We can feel aches and pains regardless of our age… from childhood and growing pains to the ever present backache that comes with age. Nearly 100 million people in the U.S. alone deal with some kind of chronic pain. This is the kind of pain that is long term and can stay with you after an illness and or injury. Millions more people suffer from short term, or acute, pain.


Do you have to live with the aches and pains and just ignore them? You might be of the opinion that you are just too busy to take time off to go to the doctor. You might also be wrong. Now, technology has come a long way. You don’t need to take time off from work to go sit in a waiting room for hours to see a doctor. You can see any of the online doctors on your schedule, whether you are at work or at home. Let’s take a peek at some of the things, they can help you with:

Back Pain

Pain in your back, indeed anywhere, can begin to take a toll on your mental well being after a while. You can begin to feel anger, frustration, fear, and even anxiety and/or depression because of back pain that is persistent. These feelings, although common and understandable, can actually make your pain worse.  If the pain is beginning to drag you down, let your doctor know. Find out what you can do to alleviate the pain a bit so that you can make it through your day. Find out if there are any exercises or stretches that you can do to get some relief.


Regular headaches and migraines – a kind of headache that can cause other issues, such as nausea – are actually the second most common pain. It isn’t known what exactly causes headaches, but it is known that they can be triggered by things like certain foods, changes in the weather, stress, menstruation, dehydration, and muscle tension. If you have a headache that is located in your temples and forehead, it might be what is known as a tension headache. You might be able to get some relief by massaging the affected area or by putting a bit of menthol cream right on your forehead or at the bottom of your neck. You might also get a bit of relief from pain medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, but it isn’t recommended that you take these medications for longer than a period of 3 days before you consult a physician.


Allergies are actually disorders in the immune system. To be a bit more specific, they occur when the immune system overreacts in response to a “foreign” substance that most people’s bodies recognize as harmless. Allergies also happen to be one of the chronic conditions that is most often seen. They affect as much as 50% of the entire population in various areas of the world that have been industrialized. Some allergies are so severe that they can cause anaphylaxis, and death. If you are suffering from allergies, see a doctor to find out what you are allergic to and to get treatment for it.

Respiratory Infections

Respiratory tract infections are infections that can occur in the lungs, throat, and or nose, and they can be caused by either a virus or bacteria. Lower respiratory infections are not quite as common as upper respiratory infections. Respiratory issues are common at all ages and they can present as something minor, as with a cold, or as something quite serious, as with pneumonia. Asthmatics and smokers are at a higher risk of getting a respiratory infection. Treating a respiratory infection will be dependent on determining the kind of infection is in the respiratory system. Unless there is a bacterial infection, antibiotics might not be necessary and might even want to be avoided. Your healthcare professional will be able to recommend a variety of drugs that you can get over the counter along with any necessary prescription drugs to assist you in recovering from a respiratory infection. Your physician might recommend things like a steroid along with decongestants, cough medications and antihistamines.