Posts Tagged“business tips”

Married to Your Work? How to Regain Control

Many people feel that they have lost control over their lives. They spend all their time at work and simply don’t find themselves capable of enjoying anything anymore. For Charles Phillips, whose work was his mistress for many years, it is important for people to regain control. Without being happy, people can’t perform properly at work anymore either, which leads to a drop in productivity. He has written a number of tips to help people see the possible damage they are doing by working too hard, and how to stop that pattern. The Cost of Being Married to the Job…

Do You Have the Right Parts to Get the Job Done?

No matter what your line of business may be, there are oftentimes when you will find yourself looking for the right answer in order to solve a problem. For those who construct items for a living, having the right parts available can make all the difference in the world. With that being the case, does your business make sure it is stocked up on all the parts it needs in order to full customer orders? If you’re not properly supplied, you could find clients going elsewhere, something that obviously has a bottom line impact on your revenue stream. So, do…

Business Marketing: a Visual Game

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but why is that the case? Statistics suggest that 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual, and that graphic information is processed an astonishing 60,000 times faster than text information. With this being the case, it seems obvious that if you want to communicate a message about your business you will stand a far better chance of making a lasting impression if you can do so with a visual image. The image in question could take many forms. It could be an illustration or a photo.…