Posts Tagged“health”

What to Look for When Choosing an Accredited Nursing and Health Care Professions Program

Accreditation is a key factor to consider when selecting a nursing program. An accredited school will have the reputation to attract employers while also ensuring that students receive qualitative education. CCNE or ACEN typically accredits nursing degrees, while specialized healthcare programs may be certified by a more specific healthcare accrediting agency. This is especially important because many healthcare fields require attending an accredited program to gain state licensure. Clinical Rotations or Internships For many professions, especially those that work closely with people, gaining hands-on clinical experience is an important aspect of the education process. Choosing an accredited nursing program like…

Migraine Medications – Understanding Your Treatment Options

Migraine is a chronic condition with many treatment options. Talk with your doctor about lifestyle triggers such as diet, sleep, and stress. Keep a migraine diary of the foods, activities, and stresses that trigger your attacks. Use over-the-counter pain relievers as needed. Anti-seizure medications such as timolol and amitriptyline can help. Acute Medications Migraine is a headache that can be painful and cause symptoms like nausea and vomiting. This migraine treatment Jacksonville, FL, helps relieve and prevent migraine headaches. The first type of medication is called abortive, which is taken during an attack to stop symptoms. The second type of…

The Benefits of Adding an 80 lbs Dumbbells Set to Your Workout Routine

There are many ways to get fit and stay in shape. Some people like running, while others prefer going to the gym, or practicing yoga at home. And while all of these activities are good for you, they’re not the only way to become fit. You can also add dumbbells to your workout routine and see amazing results in no time. If you’ve tried exercising at home with nothing but your body and got bored fast, adding dumbbells to your routine might be just what you need. Here are some of the benefits of working out with these weights and…

The Everest Foundation: The Future Of Medical Research

How much suffering and sadness has disease caused humanity? Probably the best way of measuring human progress is how well we do at curing disease. From ancient times, disease and poor health have destroyed more human potential than almost anything else.   Knowledge Is the Path In contrast, the scientific revolution of recent centuries made it possible to learn more about what causes disease.  The result is unprecedented progress in improving human health. Discoveries about what causes disease have led to countless new treatments and cures for diseases that have ravaged humanity for ages. Curing disease benefits not only the sick…

A Beginner’s Guide to Consuming CBD Flower

Did you know that more than sixty percent of people who use CBD flower choose to do so in order to treat a medical condition? More and more people are talking about CBD these days. Despite the many benefits of using the compound, many people still don’t know what it is and how to use it.  To help you out, we’ve created a guide. Read on and we’ll tell you about the important details. What Is CBD Flower? CBD has a lot in common with THC, which is the active ingredient of marijuana that makes people feel “high.” Both of…