Posts Tagged“business”

Can Your Business Do More for Customers?

How good of a job you do for customers can go a long way in determining how long you in fact stay in business. With that thought in mind, do you sense you’re doing enough to keep the bulk of your customers happy? In the event you said no, what steps should you take moving ahead to do so? Go All Out for Those You Serve In doing all you can for your customers, you want to go all out. Doing so can be the difference in keeping a customer and losing them. As an example, say you run a…

3 Reasons to Start Your Own Small Business

When you look to start your own small business, consider it to be one of the more exciting chapters in your life. That said you want to be sure and get things off on the right foot. From being good at handling money to promoting your new venture and more a lot will be riding on your efforts. So, are you excited about the possibilities waiting for you? Properly Managing Money is Key As you go about the task of opening and managing a small business, here are three reasons it makes sense: 1. Making money – Who does not…

Josh Melick Talks About Getting Your Business Funded

Getting your business funded is an uphill battle. It requires you to be proactive, persistent, and intentional. Josh Melick knows this all too well as the co-founder and CEO of Broadly, a venture-backed technology company that’s raised more than $20M to build the tools that help small businesses better communicate with their customers. An engineer by trade, Melick has previously been in executive leadership at Intuit and AT&T. Now, he’s applying his knowledge to help small retailers take control of their digital presence to compete side-by-side with big businesses like Amazon and Walmart. “It’s not that hard for you as…

6 Safety Tips for Your Organization

The importance of workplace safety can’t be underemphasized. For instance, it can help you to reduce the insurance claims of your employees. Another thing is that safe employees are often productive, happy, and satisfied.  They will also experience less stress when they notice that you’re proactive about safety, making it easier to follow your lead.  Workplace injuries can have a devastating effect on any organization. Most times, these accidents can be averted. Here are six effective ways to minimize accidents and hazards in your workplace. 1. Invest in safety tools and equipment  Get tools and equipment that are relevant to…

3 Keys When Looking for Your Own Business

When leaning towards finding a business to call your own, do you have a good sense of what it will take to pull this off? Having a business can be one of the best professional and personal decisions you make in your life. With that thought in mind, what keys do you need to focus on when in pursuit of a business? Be Smart When it Comes to Your Finances In looking to land a small business that will be all yours, here are three keys to keep in mind: 1. How your financial health is doing – It is…