Posts Tagged“doctor”

Migraine Medications – Understanding Your Treatment Options

Migraine is a chronic condition with many treatment options. Talk with your doctor about lifestyle triggers such as diet, sleep, and stress. Keep a migraine diary of the foods, activities, and stresses that trigger your attacks. Use over-the-counter pain relievers as needed. Anti-seizure medications such as timolol and amitriptyline can help. Acute Medications Migraine is a headache that can be painful and cause symptoms like nausea and vomiting. This migraine treatment Jacksonville, FL, helps relieve and prevent migraine headaches. The first type of medication is called abortive, which is taken during an attack to stop symptoms. The second type of…

4 Keys to a Successful EHR Integration for Telehealth Practices

With the COVID-19 pandemic has come quarantining, social distancing, and limiting unnecessary public gatherings. Especially for those most vulnerable to the virus, even attending routine doctor appointments presents a risk. In turn, healthcare providers have been looking for a way to provide excellent service and bridge the communication gap between them and their patients without unnecessary exposure. One popular solution is to replace most doctor appointments and consultations with remote telehealth calls.  If your practice or clinic has recently made the transition towards telehealth, then you likely already noticed the benefits it offers your business. But that’s not to say…

Taking Up Running? Invest In The Right Shoes!

High Park is full of beautiful scenery, places to go and things to do; what better way to take it all in than a nice jog through it–especially in Cherry Blossom season, as the weather gets warmer? Before you strap up and get ready to run though, don’t forget one extremely important and all-too-often overlooked detail: your shoes! Running with the wrong shoes can create pain in your ankles, heels, knees, hips and back, or cause long-term damage such as plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendinitis. This is why it’s imperative to choose the right shoes to exercise in; shoes that cater…

How to Be Prepared for a Medical Emergency

When you are having a medical emergency it’s important to phone 911. The person who answers will know how to deal with medical emergencies and ask you questions about the type of emergency you are having, where you are, and other questions in order to fully understand what is going on and what needs to happen next. Depending on the nature of your emergency, the operator may send an ambulance and connect you with a medical professional who will guide you through what to do based on the symptoms. What is most important during this critical time is that you…

Too Busy to See a Doctor? Maybe Not

We can feel aches and pains regardless of our age… from childhood and growing pains to the ever present backache that comes with age. Nearly 100 million people in the U.S. alone deal with some kind of chronic pain. This is the kind of pain that is long term and can stay with you after an illness and or injury. Millions more people suffer from short term, or acute, pain. Do you have to live with the aches and pains and just ignore them? You might be of the opinion that you are just too busy to take time off…