Posts Tagged“finances”

5 Tips to Avoid Distractions and Start Off Strong with Penny Stocks

If you look at penny stocks and think “this sounds too good to be true,” you’re certainly not alone. Here’s the truth: just like any other type of trade, penny stocks come with their inherent risks. That said, the rewards can be great for those who are patient, open-minded and know what to look for. Penny stocks represent a totally legitimate means of trading as demonstrated by endless success stories out there; however, many naysayers dismiss such stocks due to a variety of pitfalls, distractions and missteps. But what sort of missteps are we talking about? For starters, keep our…

2 Ways to Help Your Family Avoid Financial Distress

As the primary breadwinner, your family may rely heavily on your income to help foot the bill for daily living expenses, such as the cost of the mortgage/rent, utility bills, groceries, and clothing. Although you may not anticipate passing away at any given moment because you may be relatively healthy, it is nearly impossible to predict what the future holds for you. What would happen if you were no longer around because of an unexpected accident? Not only would your family suffer the pain of losing someone they love, but they would likely have to deal with a major financial…

What Skills Are Required to be a Financial Advisor

I have always felt that the best way to choose your career is not only by doing something which you are passionate about, but also something which you are naturally gifted at doing. Once you possess the skill set you need, you might find a job with a good salary and enjoy your work as well. There are many different types of people from creative types to caring types but today we are going to focus on those who love finance and numbers like Patrick Dwyer financial advisor and it is his career that we are going to look at today. The role…

Are You Looking at a Financial Mess?

When you are living on a tight budget, life can be quite challenging. For millions of people nationwide in such a fix, it seems as if there is never enough money to get by. When you think you may have turned a financial corner, something up comes along to send you back to reality. With that in mind, what are you doing to work your way out of the financial mess you’ve been fighting? From working more hours to removing non-essential services, can you make things work? If not, where do you go from here? The big key is to…

Eliminating Common Financial Faux-Pas From Your Habits

Nobody’s perfect; everybody makes mistakes sometimes, and if you ever doubt that just look back on this year’s Grammys and Oscars. Adele restarted her homage to the late great George Michael after she began the song off key. Warren Beatty picked up the wrong envelope and announced the incorrect film for the winner of the best motion picture category. While these celebrities have to face their mistakes in front of millions of people around the globe, we usually make our biggest blunders in private. But just because we don’t have an audience of 32.9 million like this year’s Oscars doesn’t…