Posts Tagged“medical”

Understanding Medi Spa Services: A Comprehensive Guide

In recent years, the popularity of medical spas in Calgary has surged, offering a unique blend of expertise and comfort – and while these facilities provide a wide range of treatments that focus on improving appearance and promoting overall well-being, you may still wonder: what exactly are medi services, and how do they differ from traditional spas or clinics? Let’s dive in. What is a Medi Spa? A medi spa, short for medical spa, combines the relaxing environment of a traditional spa with advanced treatments. These services are typically overseen by licensed healthcare professionals in Calgary, such as dermatologists, plastic…

The Real Cost of Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty

Under general anesthesia, a thin, flexible tube equipped with a camera (endoscope) is inserted into the mouth and down the esophagus and stomach. An endoscopist then inserts a series of sutures to change the structure of the stomach, leaving it shaped like a sleeve and restricting the amount of food you can consume. Costs Seeking a solution for lasting weight loss? Consider ESG, a minimally invasive outpatient procedure. You’ll go home the same day, but anesthesia requires a designated driver. The procedure uses a tiny endoscope to create a stomach sleeve, reducing its size by about 75%. This limits food…

Holistic Approaches to Treating Hidradenitis Suppurativa

In addition to medical treatments, many people with HS also seek complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to help manage their symptoms. This may include diet and lifestyle changes such as the Autoimmune Paleo (AIP) Diet or eliminating trigger foods. Supplements and natural home remedies, like tea tree oil, honey and turmeric, can complement traditional treatment for HS. However, these therapies have yet to be proven effective stand-alone HS treatments. Massage Massages are a wonderful way to reduce stress, promote circulation and bring nutrients into the cells. Massage also reduces inflammation and increases flexibility in muscles and joints. You can do…

The Everest Foundation: The Future Of Medical Research

How much suffering and sadness has disease caused humanity? Probably the best way of measuring human progress is how well we do at curing disease. From ancient times, disease and poor health have destroyed more human potential than almost anything else.   Knowledge Is the Path In contrast, the scientific revolution of recent centuries made it possible to learn more about what causes disease.  The result is unprecedented progress in improving human health. Discoveries about what causes disease have led to countless new treatments and cures for diseases that have ravaged humanity for ages. Curing disease benefits not only the sick…

Why Do You Need a Lawyer for Superannuation TPD Claim

Your superannuation policy might be having a TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) cover, which ensures that if you cannot continue working due to illness or injury, you can get funds to cover your medical bills and meet your everyday expenses.  However, superannuation policies are complex documents that a person without any legal knowledge cannot comprehend or infer. That’s why it’s essential to have someone interpret your insurance and help you in the TPD claim process. This is where firms like law advice can aid with a team of qualified lawyers to navigate through the claim process. Reasons to Hire a…