Posts Tagged“tech”

How to Stop Unwanted Phone Calls

Despite the laws and policies that are supposed to protect us from harassing phone calls from creditors, marketing calls from businesses, or general nuisance or pranks calls, we all know that irritation of receiving endless calls at all hours of the day and night.  Here are some tips to help reduce the number of unwanted calls. Prank calls Crank calls from kids may be some of the easiest to stop because they are not likely to have gone to great lengths to cover their tracks by blocking their number.  Very often it is as simple as hitting redial on your…

5 Indispensable Qualities All Board Portals Should Have

For companies that have yet to upgrade, board portal software is a password-protected website or app designed for directors. Through the portal, they receive their annual binders, make notes, discuss materials with their colleagues, keep track of organization-related expenses, and even vote in between meetings. They solve the costs and inconveniences of paper binders and delivery by courier, while also providing a user experience that makes it easier to use annotations, archives, and track expenses than email ever could. Design Portals can be distinguished from email and other free file-sharing services by their purpose-built user experience. Designed for directors, they…

The 3 Most Important Parts of a Coordinate Measuring Machine

Over the past decade or two, coordinate measuring machines have rapidly made their way into more shops than ever before. Alongside laser scanners and vision systems, they have become the standard for industrial QA departments across the world. But a good deal of buyers still don’t know the first thing about these specialized, essential pieces of equipment. They come in a variety of sizes and types that are made to measure very different components, from auto frames to microchips. You will have to take into consideration their reach, their measurement error range, mobility, and more. However, once you’ve determined your…

Web Tools and Apps for the Busy Real Estate Professional

Wonder what web tools and apps that uber-successful real estate agent Adrian Rubin depends on every day? This post will share several that enables his life to run smoothly on a daily basis… 1) Slack Most real estate professionals work together as part of a team. In order to sell houses in an orderly fashion, the agent must work with his team back at the office, as well as any contractors that he depends upon to help make everyone’s daily life less chaotic. This has gotten easier over the years, as the dawn of the internet, and then the invention…

Is It Time to Upgrade Your Data Needs?

In a world where many people seem to be on-the-go 24/7, many of these same individuals would much prefer it if there data moved a little bit faster. If your home data needs are not being met, do you plan to act on it? For many people, they will put up with slow data means for only so long, sooner or later saying enough is enough. In the event you are one of these individuals, it is important to note that transmitting data much faster doesn’t have to be something that is out of your reach. In the event the…