3 Tips For Caring For Your Beard

When it comes to hygiene, it’s easy to think that hair care stops once you get passed the hair on your head. However, if you have facial hair, especially a beard, your hair care needs to include this hair as well. But for many men, this type of hair care isn’t something that they’ve been taught before.

So to help fill in this gap in your hygiene knowledge, here are three tips for caring for your beard. 

Start And End Your Daily Beard Care Routine Correctly

Because your beard is on the sensitive skin of your face, your beard care should also include caring for that skin. As a part of this, you’re going to want to be sure that you both start and end your daily beard care routine in the right ways.

According to Adam Hurley, a contributor to Men’s Health, the best way to start your beard care and facial care routine is to take a hot shower. This can help to open up the pores on your face and prepare both your hair and your skin by becoming softer and easier to work with. And once you’re done with your skincare routine and any grooming you’re doing, you should apply a cold splash of water to your face to help seal your pores before applying any type of product. 

Use A Beard Oil

The hair of your beard needs some occasional TLC just like the hair on your head does. 

One thing you should start implementing into your beard care routine, according to the editors of Esquire.com, is a beard oil. When you use a beard oil, you’re bringing in some much-needed moisture and conditioning to your beard. This can help keep your beard smooth and soft as well as reduce the chances of you getting any beard dandruff. And, with the right beard oil, you can get the added pleasure of a great scent right up by your face as well.  

Know What Tools To Use For Shaping

Once you’ve let your beard grow to a decent length, you should then take the time to shape your beard on a regular basis. By doing this, you’ll ensure that you don’t wind up looking like you’ve just neglected all of your facial hair.

When shaping your beard, Dr. Melinda Ratini, a contributor to WebMD.com, shares that you should use both an electric trimmer and scissors for best results. Generally, you’ll want to use your electric trimmer when working on the edges of your beard and use the scissors for shaping the bulk of your beard so you don’t end up trimming too much. 

If you have a beard, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you care for it correctly.