Browsing CategoryCareer

Roger Wolfson Tips on Writing a Great Story

Today we have some fantastic tips for you on how you can write a great story and they are brought to you courtesy of the brilliant Roger Wolfson. Roger has spent his career writing stories and scripts for some of the biggest TV shows on the box and he currently has his very own show which looks back at the Roman Empire. When it comes to telling stories there aren’t many who are able to do it as well as Roger so we should all be grateful that he has taken the time out to share some tips which he…

Bharat Bhise – Tips on Content Writing

It was my great friend and online guru Bharat Bhise who first invited me to write some content for him online and he was also kind enough to really talk me through and prep me on what I should be doing in terms of being a freelance writer. I have to say that for me this is one of the best side-hustles there is going and if you want to make a little bit of extra money each month then online writing is a great way of doing just that. There is a lot to bear in mind when you…

DJ Rama – How to Advance Your Career As a DJ

If you have dreams of becoming a successful DJ and wish to spend your career playing sold out shows all over the globe or producing some amazing hits then you are probably wondering about what process you need to go through in order to get there. The wildly successful DJ Rama knows only too well what this process looks like and for him the journey to success involves plenty of hard work, a little bit of luck and of course talent on the wheels of steel. DJ Rama has been kind enough to share some of his tips on how…

3 Tips for an Improved Medical Practice

How long have you been running a medical practice? In that period of time, have you ever felt as if your practice could be in danger of going under? From monetary challenges to any potential lawsuits and more you do not want to lose all you have worked for. So, how can you go about improving conditions around your medical practice? Remember Protection for You In looking at improving conditions around your office, here are some tips for you to consider: 1. Protecting you – What would you practice be without you in it? That said you want to make…

4 Secrets To Protect the Lifestyle You’ve Worked So Hard For

As you make your way through life, typically you are trying to aim for a specific kind of lifestyle. And then when you reach a point where you are comfortable with this lifestyle, you feel a degree of satisfaction. At that point, it’s essential to protect all of that effort that you’ve put into your goals. And there are a few secrets that you can use to make sure that you don’t backslide. Four things, in particular, will come to mind. First of all, you should stay away from risky behavior. Second, you should pay very close attention to what…