Browsing CategoryLegal

What Not To Do If You’re Put On Probation


After a criminal case, you may find yourself sentenced to probation.   It’s crucial that you follow your probation terms in order to stay in good standing with the law.  Violating your terms even slightly could result in serious consequences – even jail time. Just because you have a criminal defense lawyer doesn’t mean that they can work magic.  A violation is a violation, and there’s no guarantee that they can get you out of it.  It’s critical that you understand how your probation works.  Make sure to avoid doing the following things while on probation. Don’t Miss Court Appearances…

A Slip or Trip and Fall Could Mean You Need to See a Personal Injury Lawyer

Each year in the United States more than 290,000 people sue because they have been injured by a party in a definable set of circumstances. These cases are called personal injury and they are the most common types of court cases. They include medical malpractice, automobile accidents, slip or trip and fall, defective products, assault and other instances where a party is injured by the neglect, mismanagement, and willful intentions of another party. The ability to engage the legal system when you feel that someone has injured you is a fundamental right in the United States and every citizen at…

Is Your Law Firm Making Its Case for More Business?

In running your law firm, the goal is to be busy and winning as many cases as possible. That being the case, are you getting enough business coming through your doors? If not, can you pinpoint a reason or two for the slowness in clients? One reason you may be struggling to some degree is you are not making the case to get enough business sent your way. With this in mind, how can you turn things around? Are You Failing to Properly Market Your Brand? One main reason your firm could be behind the competition is failure to market your…

Do I Need a Lawyer? 3 Times You Do and 3 Times You Dont – Plus How to Find a Good Lawyer

Every year, Americans file more than 16 million lawsuits. Are you currently struggling with a legal matter? Are you wondering whether you should file a lawsuit or try and deal with the issue yourself? Some people would have you believe that you should always hire a lawyer to help you fight your battles. That’s not necessarily the case, though. Read on to learn more about when you ought to hire a lawyer and when you should try to handle the issue on your own. You’ll also learn some helpful tips on how to find a good lawyer should you choose…

Litigious Longhorns: A Rundown of Texas Inheritance Laws

It’s important to have a will, no matter what level of wealth you have accumulated or where you live. However, each state has different inheritance laws, so if you live in the Longhorn State, you need to know what happens when you and a loved one dies, and how your estate will be handled. These laws are detailed, so the more you know about them, the more you’ll be able to address this process. Check out the following points so you are well versed on Texas inheritance laws. Know the Tax Implications Taxes are among the most important parts of…