Posts Tagged“Excel”

Simple Ways to Get More Out of Microsoft Excel

There can be few people who have never used Microsoft Excel at work at least once. Yet, many people tiptoe around this program, using only the most basic features instead of getting the full benefit of it. The truth is that there are some incredibly simple ways to get more out of this software.  Learn the Shortcuts There are a number of interesting shortcuts that are designed to make life a whole lot easier for Excel users. However, it is clear that many a lot of people are completely unaware of them. For example, you can open a new workbook…

The 5 Top Reasons for Using Excel in Your Business

The majority of companies around the world already have Microsoft Excel installed on their computers. Yet, many of them don’t use this flexible, useful software to its full potential, if at all. So, what can you do with it? If you want to make it easier for your business to succeed then Excel has some excellent ways of helping you out. Why not try the following approaches to see how much benefit you get from them?  Keep Track of the Numbers One of the most common ways of using Excel is to just keep track of numbers. This can make…