Posts Tagged“stop smoking”

What Options Are Out There To Help You Quit Smoking?

The dangers and the horrors of what smoking can do your body are well known and unlike in the past, we now have a full idea of just what kind of damage this habit can do. We all know how bad it smells, we know that it stains fingers and teeth, stunts growth and costs money, not to mention the high risk of cancer, emphysema and heart disease that smoking brings. In spite of knowing about these dangers and negatives of smoking, it is still a very difficult habit to quit. Take my buddy Matthew F Knouff and I, we…

What Options Are There For Quitting Smoking?

As we enter the new year, there will no doubt be many of you who are looking to make improvements to you lives, this could be losing weight, getting that new job or for some, quitting smoking. My buddy Steve Buzzi and myself quit together last year and to be honest, I had no ideas previously about just how many helpful tools there are to help you quit for good. Smoking has pretty much no benefits whatsoever and so it really does make sense to knock this habit on the head. If you are looking to start the new year…