Posts Tagged“history”

Tracing Native American Ancestry

native american

Whether the endgame is obtaining official tribal membership, securing rightful financial benefits and/or inheritances, or simply satisfying curiosity, the journey of retracing Native American ancestry is rarely a straightforward experience. 200 years of nearly nonstop hardships ranging from forced relocation to government sanction mass killings led to fewer and fewer individuals able to maintain ties with their tribal cultures without putting their livelihoods or very lives at risk, Subsequently, these scattered remnants faded almost entirely from existence. The end result is both a lack of ancestors being traced to one specific place for multiple generations and a lack of cultural…

A brief global history of the lottery

If you have ever gone to play mega millions, and then wondered to yourself how and when all this madness began, you are not alone. The truth of the matter is that the lottery has been around for thousands of years. Settle in for a solid 5 minute read: you’re about to learn a few facts that will astound you and satisfy your curiosity. Origins History of the lottery began over 2,000 years ago in ancient China. During the Han Dynasty in the 2nd Century BC, the government administration issued slips that resembled modern day Keno tickets. It was believed…

The History of Online Gaming

These days, people take a casual match of Counterstrike for granted. However, the gaming landscape was considerably different as recently as 30 years ago. The ways we entertain ourselves has changed dramatically since that time, which makes us wonder how people coped with boredom a few short decades ago. In this post, we will take a look back at the history of online gaming, from when mainframe computers played Tic-Tac-Toe against a single human being, to nowadays, where seasoned gamers sometimes have trouble beating their AI opponents. Origins Online gaming owes its present popularity to the development of computer gaming…

Some Very Interesting Facts on Bingo History for the Online Bingo Enthusiast

Most of us have been to a bingo game, often comprised of a collection of bingo fans who are equipped with cards with squares which they mark off when certain numbers are called. Once an individual is able to form a pattern, be it a column, row, or diagonal across the card – they win. The game of bingo is really as simple as that, and this is one why reason why bingo remains as popular today as it was when it first started. But have you ever wondered how bingo really started? Bingo history is quite interesting and fascinating…