Browsing CategoryFashion

Don’t rely on beauty: get a sure-fire fashion hit!

The beauty process can sometimes feel like one big game. You take the chance, spin the wheel and watch the ball roll in a hypnotising expectation until it rests in the number pocket one space away from your expectation. And the result of this rather convoluted metaphor? A face patchier than Charlie Sheen’s criminal record and the kind of fashion knowhow reserved for the clueless. With so many choices on offer in the fashion world, there’s little telling what will or won’t make it through the net. Catwalk shows are the equivalent to throwing everything at a wall and seeing…

Save money on virtually everything with Groupon Coupons!

We’ve got a great tip to share with all of you checking out Social today! Whether you’re looking to save some money on your next trip or just on some new home goods, Groupon Coupons is a awesome way to do so. They showcase more than 70,000+ coupons from 9,000+ different retailers and brands that you love. The best part of it all? You won’t have to sign up for any pesky lists to reap all the awesome benefits. Just head on over to the coupons tab on their site to start saving. Groupon did a good job of signing up a diverse melange of companies so…

Makeup Tips Everyone Should Know

Many women wear makeup, some wear a little others wear a lot, but knowing how to best apply different types of makeup and what to do to make it look the best is an important part of learning how to wear different products. Form foundation to blush to lipstick, different types of makeup require different techniques in order to get it to look just right. So here are five tips every girl should know that can change her look and how she puts on wears makeup.   Foundation and Concealer Use your fingers when you want to apply your foundation…