How the Christian Faith Could Encourage More Outreach Efforts

In our tech-centric society, it’s easy to become wrapped up in solitary activities. Sometimes, we spend too much time on social media. While some social media usage is undoubtedly beneficial — especially when staying in touch with friends and family — it also gives the illusion we’re interacting with people more than we actually are.

Christians are familiar with how Jesus Christ continually spent time with others during his relatively short time on Earth. The Bible is filled with accounts from its writers of how the man engaged with people other society members tended to avoid, such as prostitutes and lepers. As a follower of Christ or someone who is merely interested in what the Christian faith teaches, it’s crucial to include similar outreach efforts to members of your community.

The Scriptures Give Challenging Examples

One of the reasons why Jesus led a life that was ultimately so controversial was because he wasn’t afraid to challenge societal norms, especially if they related to the religious leaders of the day. Naturally, then, Jesus attracted attention from individuals who noticed how he stood out.

Taking a close look at the way Jesus chose to live should provide plenty of examples for why today’s Christians should not be content as passive members of society. Instead of accepting the way things were — which often included practices to exclude certain groups — Jesus lived a life of radical inclusion. By following the examples found in the Bible, we can easily do the same and reach out to others by showing kindness to marginalized people.

Love for Others Is a Sign of Faith

In addition to considering the actions Jesus took as strong suggestions for how to live our own lives, it’s important to realize the Bible discusses how displaying love for others is a clear indicator of faith. Specifically, in John’s gospel, there is material about love for one another being a characteristic associated with a follower of Jesus.

Also, in 1 Corinthians, you can read numerous in-depth explanations about the aspects of love. Many people use that excerpt in their wedding ceremonies to remind themselves how to be good partners. While reading that same portion of the Bible, you may notice how 1 Corinthians includes text that emphasizes how although faith, hope, and love are all important, the greatest of those three is love.  By living a lifestyle that embodies love, you’re making it obvious your efforts align with Christian teachings.

Christians Are Called to Connect With Others

Bringing the good news of Christ to others is a substantial part of the faith, and that requirement in itself requires consistent outreach efforts. Many Christians decide to go on international mission trips, but you can have a positive impact on others locally, too.

In Matthew, Christians are referred to as the salt of the Earth and light of the world. That section highlights how important it is to actively participate in trying to improve our communities.

It’s difficult — and some would argue impossible — to live a Christian lifestyle that doesn’t involve communicating with others and attempting to uplift them. The knowledge that Christ died to forgive the sins of the world is enough to make believers feel rejuvenated during periods of the darkest despair. By making outreach a priority, Christians can bring the hope they possess to others.

Fellowship Is a Crucial Part of Living as a Christian

In Genesis, God creates Eve from Adam’s rib after the acknowledgment it’s not good for man to be alone. That was true during the creation of the Earth and still makes sense today. Instead of spending all your time online and never connecting with others in person, you might decide to combine two formats and take advantage of technology first, then get in touch with people later.

For example, The Way International is a non-denominational Christian organization that offers resources to deepen people’s understandings of God’s word. After going to The Way International slideShare page, you can browse through numerous online topical presentations about how to apply Bible-based teachings to modern life. Your home or a church hall could both be ideal places to study those materials with other Christians.

Alternatively, if you’re a new Christian or only casually investigating the faith’s teachings and do not feel comfortable with group study yet, you might initially study on your own. Then, plan to meet another Christian for coffee and discuss the concepts that stood out to you during independent study. Remember, fellowship with other Christians (and non-Christians) doesn’t necessarily involve large groups. You can nurture others and learn at the same time through one-on-one meetings.

The key points explored above should make it obvious why a Christian lifestyle naturally inspires conscious efforts to connect with others in meaningful ways. Far too many people have forgotten how valuable it is to let others know they’re loved, but whether you are a Christian or not, the Bible features numerous well-known reasons to show kindness to others by being in their presence.