Posts Tagged“cyber security”

Cybersecurity and the Power of Predictions

There is no such thing as a perfect cybersecurity strategy. But there are a set of best practices that provide the strongest and most reliable security available. Companies may never be able to identify and stop every kind of cyber incident. With best practices in place, however, they benefit from the greatest protection available. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has produced a set of best practices that is followed widely. They are quite detailed, but they generally encourage companies to invest resources in the five following areas: Identifying Threats Preventing Threats Detecting Infections Responding to Infections Resolving…

A Trusted and Reliable Cyber Security Company

Elizabeth V. of ENV Photography is a fan of SiteLock Reviews. “I first signed up because I had malicious files installed in my server and SiteLock fixed everything quickly”. Another happy SiteLock customer, Sheila H., owner of a website called “Wish List Project”, also said, “I have been very satisfied with SiteLock and its services. Customer service walked me through the set-up and made it so simple from the start.” Glowing reviews like these are proof that the Arizona-based cyber security company is quickly making itself known as a reliable and high quality partner for anyone who needs some peace…

Protecting Your Website From Hackers

Hackers can seriously impact any business at any time. A growing threat for businesses both large and small, hackers steal private data, take control of your computers or even shut down your website. Hacking also causes tremendous damage to your reputation. Can your clients trust your website to be safe and secure with their personal and financial data? While you’re focused on your business, hackers are focused on finding new insidious ways to hack your site. Be pro-active and hire a reputable company to handle all your website security needs. Here are a few things to consider when choosing your…