Posts Tagged“marketing”

Don’t Be Camera Shy About Video Promotions

Photo by CC user United States Navy (ID 090623-N-6403R-003) What goes into your efforts to promote your brand on a regular basis? Some businesses turn to email marketing. Others look at social media as a great way to push their brands. Still other businesses are delving into mobile marketing as a means to lure more customers. While all of those marketing tactics can prove beneficial to giving your brand the added attention it needs and deserves, where are video promotions on your to-do list? With the right mixture of marketing and video promotions to back up those marketing initiatives, your…

Business Marketing: a Visual Game

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but why is that the case? Statistics suggest that 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual, and that graphic information is processed an astonishing 60,000 times faster than text information. With this being the case, it seems obvious that if you want to communicate a message about your business you will stand a far better chance of making a lasting impression if you can do so with a visual image. The image in question could take many forms. It could be an illustration or a photo.…

How To Create A Successful Online Business

There are many businesses out there that strictly live online, and there are certain ways those businesses have worked to become successful. Just like not every home business or brick and mortar business thrives and turns out successful, nor will every online business. However, you can work towards success with a few tips on what an online business needs in order to flourish. Website And Social Media If you want to create a functional and fashionable business website that is easy to use for visitors and looks good, you’re going to have to spend some money. Free sites just aren’t…