Posts Tagged“Attorney”

Should You Hire an Attorney for a Title IX Hearing?

The Title IX of the U.S Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination by universities and colleges based on sex and gender. This law applies to all schools (private and public) receiving federal funding. Any institution that violates Title IX risks losing its federal funding. Well, Title IX is a complex law as each college or university uses different policies and procedures. Therefore, if your child is accused of a Title IX violation, you must hire a defense lawyer immediately. What Does a Title IX Attorney Do for Your Child? The lawyer has knowledge, expertise, experience and practical know-how to manage the…

A Slip or Trip and Fall Could Mean You Need to See a Personal Injury Lawyer

Each year in the United States more than 290,000 people sue because they have been injured by a party in a definable set of circumstances. These cases are called personal injury and they are the most common types of court cases. They include medical malpractice, automobile accidents, slip or trip and fall, defective products, assault and other instances where a party is injured by the neglect, mismanagement, and willful intentions of another party. The ability to engage the legal system when you feel that someone has injured you is a fundamental right in the United States and every citizen at…

Do you have to go to court if you get a speeding ticket?

Driving is a privilege that is afforded to young people in adults who have learn how to operate motor vehicles and had passed a legal test that allow them to access the roads. Driving is so common today that most people take for granted that they can in fact get a driver’s license. However the state has very strict laws about how this can occur and defines it is a privilege rather than the right. If you are fortunate enough to receive a driver’s license, you sign a document agreeing to your abiding by the laws of the road. These…

Child Custody Issues That Are Common in a Divorce

Divorce is one of those issues that is traumatic for everyone involved. The married couple who has pledged to be joined for their entire lives, find themselves in an irreconcilable situation and often unclear about where things went wrong. Through all of the emotional turmoil, they have to consider the past and present, and try and make decisions that will make the future workable for all involved. Each person in the couple must deal with the anger, disappointment, fear, shame and uncertainty that accompanies a divorce and keeps level head about the situation. Divorce proceedings involve skilled family law firms…

How to Select the Right Immigration Lawyer

  Immigration is one of the hottest and most controversial topics in the United States today. On the one hand the country was built on immigration and allowing those from other countries to come into America and help turn it into the great country that it is today.  The contributions of immigrants arm question and with America’s native population having a decreased birth rate, the need for new immigrants is ever-increasing. On the other hand, immigrants are being demonized across the country. Many politicians claim that immigrants take local jobs, cause a lowering of the quality of life, commit crimes,…