Spotify monthly listeners can be your best purchase!

Imagine you are a young artist, write songs and dream of being listened to by millions of people. Sign up to Spotify, upload your first tracks and wait for fame. But there is one problem. Not so simple. You can’t just upload a track and wait. Wait until a large number of people listen to it, when suddenly it hits the top and you become popular. Just because Spotify won’t see you among 350 million users and 70 million songs. For it you will be one of the little artists who have just started their way in the music field. And you probably have a question. How can you compete in this huge stream of musicians? How to get to the top charts? How to get popular? You will find the answers in this text.

As a registered user, you should have already noticed the statistics collected on plays, subscribers, likes and Spotify monthly listeners over the last 28 days of using the app. So, Spotify monthly listeners means how many unique users listened to your song. The user is counted only once, even if he listened to your track on repeat. Specifically, this is the difference between this statistic and just followers or plays. By comparing these categories, you can find out how much listeners like your songs, how many times they are willing to play them over and over, and how attractive you are to your subscribers. Also, by analyzing statistics for several months, you can see the speed of your growth as an artist. For example, if your listening grows, but the number of listeners remains the same, then you become more of a local artist for a small group of people, which is not bad. But if you strive to become popular, to be in the playlists of millions of people, then both indicators should grow. After all, Spotify has algorithms that bring artists to the top. The algorithm sees that the indicators are growing, that the listeners are adding and listening to the songs, which means you are a new interesting artist who needs to be added to the top charts, recommended to users, and create playlists with his songs. With the growth in performance, Spotify is promoting your music, provoking more listeners to listen to it, and so on in circles. These indicators can be increased by recording good tracks and using competent musical promotion. Everything works together, without music you will have nothing to promote, and without promotion your songs will not be heard. Do not forget about it.

And always remember that the one who has the information achieves success. You already know more and you can start a career as a musician, and if you have already started, then you understand how everything works. Maybe you just lacked this knowledge to become a popular artist. Good luck in your endeavors!